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Marc Maury
“With the right balance of strategic vision and operational delivering, I am experienced in complex and transnational management e.g. Business Development, Aerospace & Defence, Engineering Services, etc.”
Qualification: Business Development France
Industries: Aerospace & Defence, Engineering Services
Marc Maury has built some very successful business partnerships, from strategic analysis, partners selection, negotiations, governance definition up to implementation in transnational environments in Germany, UK, France & Spain. Teamwork in a meaningful environment is one of his main motivations.
He has multiple experiences & successes, as a leader or as a team member in various configurations in product development, improvement projects, new organisations and others. He has a great ability to liaise all levels of organisation from shopfloor to excom members.
Marc Maury has successfully led some major change management projects in MBDA, AIRBUS Helicopters, AIRBUS Group and on the engineering supplier side on various topics (e.g. development cycle & cost reduction, supplier optimisation, new development process…). To understand the need for change, identify the relevant contributors, define & implement the vision are key success factors.
Building on his personal interest and curiosity about arts (e.g. organizing paintings exhibitions), and his ability to build relationship with all levels in a company, Marc Maury is quite active in innovation in term of ideas identification, selection, deployment, implementation with a flavour of entrepreneurship (e.g. VP Engineering in an RFID company, Chairman of the supervisory board of a Software company).